How to start using Hotel App in your Hotel

Hotel app for guests

Introducing new technology to your hotel can be a stressful experience. You need to get familiar with the new software, set up the property, and then train your staff. The last part is to motivate your guests to start using the hotel app during their stay.

That being said, many hoteliers can already see the big potential of using a hotel app in their accommodation. Boosting the revenue from room service, cutting costs, getting better reviews and of course, embracing technology just to name a few!

Let’s break down the process of implementing the GuestBell hotel app in your hotel.

1. Create Account

Signing up for the GuestBell account is a smooth and quick process. Simply visit our website click the ‘Login’ or ‘Start Free’ button. You can either use your existing social account or create a new one on our platform. GuestBell account is always free and you don’t even need a credit card. The most important part of this step is to verify your email while creating an account. Go to your email inbox and click the link in the verification email sent by GuestBell. Done!

2. Understand Pricing

GuestBell has very simple and fair pricing. You will only pay when your guests are using the hotel app. No setup fee and no monthly fee either. There is only a one-time charge for every check-in into the GuestBell hotel app. Check-in is optional and only necessary when guests want to place an order or send a message. That means you’ll get a ton of useful information to your guests completely free!

Moreover, viewing the publicly available information, such as the room service menu or the app welcome page, is as easy as opening a link in your browser. No app installation or signup is necessary.

3. Create Property

One of the strongest advantages of GuestBell is that we let our clients to be in charge of creating their property. GuestBell offers interactive tutorials that will guide you through the whole process of creating the hotel app for your property. On top of that, we offer extensive documentation of GuestBell, a help center, and free customer support.

GuestBell provides huge freedom in creating the property. You can choose which features of the hotel app you want to use, how many services, currencies, languages … There’s an almost endless number of workflows waiting to be explored. The process of creating the hotel app can take from a couple of minutes to a few hours depending on your needs and the customization you want to go through.

4. Train Staff

GuestBell offers a free account for your staff. Adding employees to your property is an easy task. You can invite them via the GuestBell dashboard, providing their email and giving them a role in your hotel app. The role is an important part while setting things up. You can give different permission to your staff, simplifying their responsibilities in the hotel app.

For example, a chef in the kitchen can be allowed to see orders that are related to food but don’t have to see anything else. Making it easier for your employees to use the hotel app. In the process, you will have to train your staff to work with the new technology. GuestBell offers video and interactive tutorials to make this process smooth.

5. Motivate Guests

Getting a boost from the hotel app is determined by guests using the app. GuestBell offers promotional flyers that will let your guests know you are using this cool new technology. Flyers can be placed in each room, elevator, lobby, and restaurant. A great way to motivate guests to use the hotel app are special promotions that are only available via the app. People are used to online shopping and texting so you don’t have to be too worried about this. It’s important to let your guest properly know that you have a hotel app and the rest will come naturally to them!